Mots clés
- Date: 2025-09-01 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : Marta Gallina, Stefano Camatarri
#Textual complexity, #Political parties, #Voters, #Opinion consistency, #Political knowledge, #Learning process
Representation Styles
- Date: 2025-09-01 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : Marta Gallina, Stefano Camatarri
#Representatives, #candidates, #parliamentary roles, #quality of representation, #mass/elite communication, #electoral democracy
Afriques, idées reçues sur un continent composite
#Afrique/sub-saharienne, #Relations internationales
Populism and Democracy on the Individual Level: Building on, Yet Moving Beyond the Supply Side
#Afrique/sub-saharienne, #Relations internationales
Lawyering imperial encounters
#Afrique/sub-saharienne, #Relations internationales
New rights, new members? The consequences of intra-party primaries for membership
- Date: 2024-12-18 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Felix-Christopher von Nostitz
#Comparative case study analysis, #intra-party democracy, #party membership, #party organisation, #primaries, #Secondary data analysis
Rester « anti-système » tout en exerçant le pouvoir : l’autoritarisme compétitif tribunicien de l’AKP turc
#Turquie, #Populisme, #Autoritarisme, #AKP
Impact of Agricultural Input Subsidy on Nutritional Outcomes in Malawi.
- Date: 2024-12-12 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : , Novignon, Jacob, Gowokani Chijere, Raymond Frempong
#Turquie, #Populisme, #Autoritarisme, #AKP
How (French) military interventions produced ‘terrorism’
- Date: 2024-12-10 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : Raul Magni-Berton, Mathias Delori, Clara Egger, Simon Varaine
#Turquie, #Populisme, #Autoritarisme, #AKP
#Révocation des élus, #France, #histoire, #mandat impératif, #référendum d'initiative citoyenne
How Should We Distribute Education in Property-Owning Democracy and Liberal Socialism?
#Education, #Liberal socialism, #Property-Owning Democracy, #Welfare state, #Pay-it-forward
Patterns and Factors of Political Disconnection on Social Media: A Cross-Platform Comparison
- Date: 2024-11-25 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Marie Neihouser, Felix-Christopher von Nostitz, Giulia Sandri, Tristan Haute
#digital disconnection, #digital literacy, #elections, #online democratic practices, #online non-participation, #political disconnection, #political interest, #political participation, #social media
Patterns and Factors of Political Disconnection on Social Media: A Cross-Platform Comparison
- Date: 2024-11-25 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Marie Neihouser, Felix-Christopher von Nostitz, Giulia Sandri, Tristan Haute
#digital disconnection, #digital literacy, #elections, #online democratic practices, #online non-participation, #political disconnection, #political interest, #political participation, #social media
Evaluating South Africa’s Just Energy Transition Partnership from a European Perspective: Three Years Later
#digital disconnection, #digital literacy, #elections, #online democratic practices, #online non-participation, #political disconnection, #political interest, #political participation, #social media
Direct democracy as a liberal political regime
#Direct democracy comparative politics liberal democracy constitutions, #Direct democracy, #comparative politics, #liberal democracy, #constitutions
Exploring Education-Induced Bargaining Power of Women on Household Welfare in Sub-Saharan Africa
#Direct democracy comparative politics liberal democracy constitutions, #Direct democracy, #comparative politics, #liberal democracy, #constitutions
Is activism on social media headed for a renewal? A comparative analysis of the profile of cyber-activists and their practices in the United States and in France during the 2020 and 2022 presidential campaigns
#Direct democracy comparative politics liberal democracy constitutions, #Direct democracy, #comparative politics, #liberal democracy, #constitutions
Dimensions of Participation and Populism in Times of Discontent: A Theory- and Data-Driven Approach
- Date: 2024-10-25 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Robert Huber, Steven van Hauwaert
#participation populist attitudes comparative politics latent class analysis, #participation, #populist attitudes, #comparative politics, #latent class analysis
Not so weak after all: institutional and partisan sources of parliamentary resilience in France and Finland during COVID
#participation populist attitudes comparative politics latent class analysis, #participation, #populist attitudes, #comparative politics, #latent class analysis
Individual attitudes towards internet voting: The case of France
- Date: 2024-10-02 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Marie Neihouser, Felix-Christopher von Nostitz, Giulia Sandri, Tristan Haute
#Internet voting technology political attitudes France political participation, #Internet voting, #technology, #political attitudes, #France, #political participation
Literacy and Food Choices: The Influence of Precariousness and Cooking Practices
- Date: 2024-09-26 - Type : POSTER
- Auteurs : , Rodalyn Apple Ariola, Romane Vandroux, Anthony Piermattéo
#Socioeconomic vulnerability, #Food literacy, #Food choices, #Social representations, #Précarité, #Littératie alimentaire, #Choix alimentaires, #Représentations sociales
Culture and Political Attitudes: The Assimilation of Immigrants in Western Europe
- Date: 2024-09-23 - Type : UNDEFINED
- Auteurs : Jérôme Gonnot, Federica Lo Polito
#Assimilation, #Culture, #Immigrants, #Political attitudes, #Redistribution, #Political trust
Are Natives Collar-blind? Migration Flows and Attitudes Toward Immigration
- Date: 2024-09-23 - Type : UNDEFINED
- Auteurs : Jérôme Gonnot, Lenka Dražanová
#attitudes to immigration, #migration flows, #public opinion
Wind of Change? The European Green Deal and the Practice of EU Climate Diplomacy
- Date: 2024-09-02 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : Joseph Earsom, Franziska Petri
#European Union, #Climate diplomacy, #European Green Deal
Forum: Dead-Ends, Disasters, Delays? Reflecting on Research Failure in International Studies and Ways to Avoid It
- Date: 2024-08-21 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Andrew Glencross, Gustav Meibauer, Neil Renic, Johanna Rodehau-Noack, Christian Nikolaus Braun, Amber Davis, Milla Vaha, Vuslat Nur Şahin Temel, Liane Hartnett, Christine Andrä, Karen Smith
#European Union, #Climate diplomacy, #European Green Deal
Conceptualising rural environmental justice in Europe in an age of climate-influenced landscape transformations
- Date: 2024-08 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , David Brown, Benjamin Bégou, Floriane Clement, Brendan Coolsaet, Lisa Darmet, Mathilde Gingembre, Zuzana Harmáčková, Adrian Martin, Barbora Nohlová, Cécile Barnaud
#Climate change, #Environmental justice, #Just transitions, #Land-use change, #Rural landscapes, #Sustainable transformations
The Continental Social Investment Turn: Sequencing Corrective and Transformative Welfare State Change in the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy
- Date: 2024-07-26 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Johannes Karremans, Donato Di Carlo, Anton Hemerijck
#Climate change, #Environmental justice, #Just transitions, #Land-use change, #Rural landscapes, #Sustainable transformations
Le cosmopolitisme des Lumières en débat
#Climate change, #Environmental justice, #Just transitions, #Land-use change, #Rural landscapes, #Sustainable transformations
Wind of Change? The European Green Deal and the Practice of EU Climate Diplomacy
- Date: 2024-06-27 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : Joseph Earsom, Franziska Petri
#European Union, #Climate diplomacy, #European Green Deal
European Union external climate activities: nexusification, mainstreaming, issue linkage, or else?
- Date: 2024-06-19 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : Joseph Earsom, Franziska Petri, Niklas Bremberg
#European Union, #Climate Change, #Foreign Policy, #Diplomacy
The influence of the European Green Deal on the revised IMO GHG strategy
#European Union, #IMO, #European Green Deal
Violent Ends for Violent Devices? Non-Knowledge and the ‘Unreflexive’ Practices of EU’s Border Security Design
- Date: 2024-06-19 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , S. Perret
#Security, #Symbolic violence, #Research & Development, #European Commission, #Border
Do (too many) elections depress participation? How the position, frequency and nature of domestic ballots affect turnout in European Parliament elections
#Security, #Symbolic violence, #Research & Development, #European Commission, #Border
The Global State of Direct Democracy 2024
#Direct democracy, #Institutions, #Democracy
Compulsory Medical Examinations and “Green Pass”
#Covid 19, #Crisis management, #Europe, #Vaccine, #green pass
A Comparative Journey into COVID-19 Policies in Europe
#Covid-19, #Crisis management, #Comparative public policy, #Containment policies, #Europe, #International law, #Public administration
Covid-19 Containment Policies in Europe
- Date: 2024-05-27 - Type : OUV
- Auteurs : Raul Magni-Berton, Clara Egger, Eugénie de Saint-Phalle
#Covid-19, #Crisis management, #Comparative public policy, #Containment policies, #Europe, #International law, #Public administration
Conclusion: Learning from the COVID-19 Cases for Future Emergencies
- Date: 2024-05-27 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : Raul Magni-Berton, Clara Egger, Eugénie de Saint-Phalle
#crisis management, #covid-19, #europe, #Comparative public policy, #Containment policies, #International law, #Public administration
Territorial Countervailing Powers Under the Pandemic
#Territorial organization, #Crisis management, #Federalism, #Covid-19, #Europe
#Subsidiarity, #Decentralization, #Soveraignety, #Subsidiarité, #Décentralisation, #Souveraineté, #France, #Commune
Deux modèles d’éducation cosmopolitique
#Subsidiarity, #Decentralization, #Soveraignety, #Subsidiarité, #Décentralisation, #Souveraineté, #France, #Commune
‘C‘est quand qu‘on va où ?’ Indécision et moment du choix de vote en 2022
#Elections, #Voting choice, #2022 French presidential election, #Élections, #Choix de vote, #Élection présidentielle française de 2022
Citoyens et partis après 2022 : éloignement, fragmentation
- Date: 2024-05-15 - Type : OUV
- Auteurs : Max-Valentin Robert, Kevin Brookes, Amaïa Courty, Anja Durovic, Tristan Haute, Romain Mespoulet, Simon Persico, Vincent Tiberj
#partis politiques, #citoyens, #élections de 2022, #enquêtes collectives
Parler de l’Union européenne mais en quels termes ?
#Union européenne, #euroscepticisme
Législatives : la prime au gagnant de la présidentielle a-t-elle disparu en 2022 ?
#élection, #vote stratégique, #président, #parlement, #cinquième république
The Impact of the European Green Deal on the Practice of EU Climate Diplomacy
- Date: 2024-05-14 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : Joseph Earsom, Franziska Petri
#élection, #vote stratégique, #président, #parlement, #cinquième république
The geopolitics of supply chains: EU efforts to ensure security of supply
#Security of Supply, #Critical raw materials, #European Union, #Geopolitics
Analyses et comptes rendus
- Date: 2024-04-30 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Benjamin Bourcier, Alexis Pinchard, Patrick Cerutti, Dominique Foyer, Marc de Launay, Sophie Grapotte, Marion Marchal, Henri Dilberman, Nicole Pellegrin, Emmanuel Chaput, Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Blaise Benoit, Isabelle de Mecquenem, Éric Blondel, Michel Kail, Alain Panero
#Philosophie indienne
Patterns of democracy and democratic satisfaction: Results from a comparative conjoint experiment
- Date: 2024-04-05 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Julien Navarro, Zsófia Papp, Federico Russo, Laura Emőke Nagy
#Philosophie indienne
Essential Work, Migrant Labour: What Explains Migrant Employment in European Key Sectors?
- Date: 2024-04-05 - Type : UNDEFINED
- Auteurs : Jérôme Gonnot, Nikolaj Broberg, Friedrich Poeschel, Martin Ruhs
#Education, #and Welfare/I.I1 - Health/I.I1.I18 - Government Policy • Regulation • Public Health, #Size, #and Structure, #Unemployment, #Vacancies, #and Immigrant Workers/J.J6.J61 - Geographic Labor Mobility • Immigrant Workers, #Migrant workers, #COVID-19, #migrants, #essential services, #critical infrastructure, #resilience
Decentering Peace: the case of Ubuntu
#Education, #and Welfare/I.I1 - Health/I.I1.I18 - Government Policy • Regulation • Public Health, #Size, #and Structure, #Unemployment, #Vacancies, #and Immigrant Workers/J.J6.J61 - Geographic Labor Mobility • Immigrant Workers, #Migrant workers, #COVID-19, #migrants, #essential services, #critical infrastructure, #resilience
Researching the Armed Forces (2): Building Trust and Performing Identities
#Education, #and Welfare/I.I1 - Health/I.I1.I18 - Government Policy • Regulation • Public Health, #Size, #and Structure, #Unemployment, #Vacancies, #and Immigrant Workers/J.J6.J61 - Geographic Labor Mobility • Immigrant Workers, #Migrant workers, #COVID-19, #migrants, #essential services, #critical infrastructure, #resilience
L’Afrique face aux rivalités de puissances en mer Rouge
#Education, #and Welfare/I.I1 - Health/I.I1.I18 - Government Policy • Regulation • Public Health, #Size, #and Structure, #Unemployment, #Vacancies, #and Immigrant Workers/J.J6.J61 - Geographic Labor Mobility • Immigrant Workers, #Migrant workers, #COVID-19, #migrants, #essential services, #critical infrastructure, #resilience
Visa Policy and International Student Migration: Evidence from Canada
- Date: 2024-03-25 - Type : UNDEFINED
- Auteurs : Jérôme Gonnot, Mauro Lanati
#Education, #and Welfare/I.I2 - Education and Research Institutions/I.I2.I23 - Higher Education • Research Institutions, #Innovation, #Technological Change, #and Growth/O.O1 - Economic Development/O.O1.O15 - Human Resources • Human Development • Income Distribution • Migration, #international migration, #students, #visa policy, #Information
Conservatism as an Aesthetics of Inequality.
#Education, #and Welfare/I.I2 - Education and Research Institutions/I.I2.I23 - Higher Education • Research Institutions, #Innovation, #Technological Change, #and Growth/O.O1 - Economic Development/O.O1.O15 - Human Resources • Human Development • Income Distribution • Migration, #international migration, #students, #visa policy, #Information
L’ appel de Wheeler et Thompson : refonder l’utilitarisme par l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes ?
#anna doyle wheeler, #Utilitarisme, #Socialisme, #william thompson, #Féminisme
Géopolitique de l’Afrique
#anna doyle wheeler, #Utilitarisme, #Socialisme, #william thompson, #Féminisme
Individual drivers of toxicity in radical right-wing populist legislative campaigns
- Date: 2024-03 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Max-Valentin Robert, William Daniel, Elise Frelin, Laurence Rowley-Abel
#rhetoric ; populism ; social media ; toxicity ; elections
The “Social Europe” effect: Does southern foreign direct investment in Europe improve labor rights in the Global South?
- Date: 2024-02-29 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Damian Raess, Patrick Wagner
#Developing countries, #European social model, #FDI-based diffusion of rights, #labor upgrading, #Trade union rights
Electoral Participation of Non‐National EU Citizens in France: The Case of the Nord
- Date: 2024-02-27 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Felix Von Nostitz, Camille Kelbel, David Gouard, Meredith Lombard
#Developing countries, #European social model, #FDI-based diffusion of rights, #labor upgrading, #Trade union rights
Migrant deaths in the name of law
- Date: 2024-02-16 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Shoshana Fine, Thomas Lindemann
#Developing countries, #European social model, #FDI-based diffusion of rights, #labor upgrading, #Trade union rights
#modern intellectual history, #international theory, #political philosophy, #political economy
Jeremy Bentham’s Politics of Global Commerce as a Limit-Case
#Political philosophy, #Jeremy Bentham, #Political economy and Enlightenment, #International theory
Between Voters and Eurocrats: How Do Governments Justify Their Budgets?
#Comparative politics, #European economic governance, #national budgets, #policy justifications, #representative democracy, #responsibility, #responsiveness
The Geopolitics of Supply Chains: The EU’s Efforts to Ensure Security of Supply
#security of supply, #Critical raw materials, #EU foreign policy
Fit for purpose? Just Energy Transition Partnerships and accountability in international climate governance
#Climate governance, #Accountabilility, #Complexity, #Global governance
- Date: 2024-01-15 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Ron Levi, Sophie Marois, Sara Dezalay
#Memory politics, #law, #France, #Algeria, #Rwanda
Esthétique de l’inégalité
#Memory politics, #law, #France, #Algeria, #Rwanda
British Modern International Thought in the Making
#history of political thought, #international theory, #history of economic thought, #international political theory, #philosophy, #British modern thought, #modern intellectual history
- Date: 2023-12-18 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Marie Neihouser, Tristan Haute, Felix-Christopher von Nostitz, Giulia Sandri
#Réseaux sociaux, #Participation en ligne, #analyse en classe latente
How the European External Action Service influences EU climate diplomacy
- Date: 2023-12-04 - Type : BLOG
- Auteurs : Joseph Earsom, Tom Delreux
#Réseaux sociaux, #Participation en ligne, #analyse en classe latente
Loi européenne sur les métaux critiques : moins de dépendance mais des questions en suspens
#Réseaux sociaux, #Participation en ligne, #analyse en classe latente
#sud global
Démocratie Interne
- Date: 2023-12 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : , Camille Kelbel, Giulia Sandri, Felix-Christopher von Nostitz
#sud global
Unchartered territory or more of the same? The EU at COP28
#sud global
From multilateralism to bilateralism: Making sense of the UK’s security cooperation with EU member states after 2016
- Date: 2023-11-13 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Andrew Glencross, Monika Brusenbauch Meislová
#bilateralism Brexit multilateralism regime theory security cooperation United Kingdom, #bilateralism, #Brexit, #multilateralism, #regime theory, #security cooperation, #United Kingdom
The African Challenge and its aftermath: Colonial legacies and the (re)making of the international legal order
- Date: 2023-11-01 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#African studies, #African lawyers, #globalization, #political sociology
Israël-Hamas : les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne dans la guerre de Soukkot
#Israël, #Afrique, #Politique étrangère
Drawing Data Together: Inscriptions, Asylum, and Scripts of Security
- Date: 2023-10-18 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Sarah Perret, Claudia Aradau
#Asylum, #Borders, #Data, #Script, #Security, #Europe
A New Kid in Town? The Evolution of the EEAS Headquarters’ Involvement in EU Climate Diplomacy
- Date: 2023-10-13 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Joseph Earsom, Tom Delreux
#EEAS, #European Union, #climate diplomacy, #international climate politics
Which individual-level factors explain public attitudes toward immigration? a meta-analysis
- Date: 2023-10-05 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Jérôme Gonnot, Lenka Dražanová, Tobias Heidland, Finja Krüger
#EEAS, #European Union, #climate diplomacy, #international climate politics
Des guerres ethniques ou politiques ?
#Afrique, #guerre, #Conflits
Crisis and paradigm change in the European semester: from austerity to investment-oriented policy ideas
#Afrique, #guerre, #Conflits
Legal knowledge as social and political capital
- Date: 2023-09-10 - Type : BLOG
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#Institut de droit international, #international lawyers
#sport and politics, #Rugby -- Histoire, #rugby - sociology
Accountability dumping. The transnational journey of the “Probo Koala” legal case
- Date: 2023-09-07 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#sport and politics, #Rugby -- Histoire, #rugby - sociology
The Geopolitics of Supply Chains: The EU’s Efforts to Ensure Security of Supply and their Impact on the Liberal International Order
#EU foreign policy, #security of supply, #critical raw materials
Koselleck and World Politics. Contributions and limits of historical semantics to the study of the Modern International
#EU foreign policy, #security of supply, #critical raw materials
Intermédiaires du droit et rencontres impériales entre Afrique(s) et économie-monde
- Date: 2023-09-05 - Type : HDR
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#African studies, #Legal intermediaries, #globalization, #political sociology, #Etudes africaines, #intermédiaires du droit, #mondialisation, #sociologie politique de l'international
Managing international rivalries: the survival of Djibouti’s regime at stake
#African studies, #Legal intermediaries, #globalization, #political sociology, #Etudes africaines, #intermédiaires du droit, #mondialisation, #sociologie politique de l'international
Winds of change? The influence of the European Green Deal on the revised IMO GHG strategy
#European Green Deal, #climate change, #ETS, #international shipping, #IMO
Maneuvering ambiguity: The liminality of contested states within and beyond an international order of states, war, and law
#European Green Deal, #climate change, #ETS, #international shipping, #IMO
Special Issue on Peripheral Elites in West European Central States’ Apparatus
- Date: 2023-09-04 - Type : ISSUE
- Auteurs : , Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, Alejandro Peinado-García, Giulia Sandri
#Centre-periphery, #Political elites, #Ethnic minorities
Capitalizing on international law’s fragmentation
- Date: 2023-09-01 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#Centre-periphery, #Political elites, #Ethnic minorities
Peripheral Elites in West European Central States’ Apparatus: An Introduction
- Date: 2023-09 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, Alejandro Peinado-García, Giulia Sandri
#Political Class, #Ethnic minorities, #Territorial Conflicts
From open government to open parties in Europe. A framework for analysis
- Date: 2023-08-16 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Giulia Sandri, F. Ramon Villaplana Jimenez, Adrian Megias
#Political Class, #Ethnic minorities, #Territorial Conflicts
Moving ‘red lines’: The Russian–Ukrainian war and the pragmatic (mis-)use of international law
#International law, #International relations, #Russia, #Ukraine, #war
Italy: Political Developments and Data in 2022
- Date: 2023-07-26 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Antonella Seddone, Luana Russo, Giulia Sandri
#Italian politics, #Radical right, #Technocratic Power
La politique étrangère d’un petit État
#Politique étrangère, #Djibouti, #Petit Etat
La politique étrangère d’un petit Etat
#Politique étrangère, #Djibouti, #Petit Etat
Deeds, not words? A pilot experiment on voter evaluation of MPs’ performance
#Politique étrangère, #Djibouti, #Petit Etat
Bentham’s defence of the right to immigrate
#Jeremy Bentham, #Immigration, #Political philosophy
Symbolic Rewards as Migration Diplomacy: Crisis and Containment in EU–Turkey Migration Cooperation
#Jeremy Bentham, #Immigration, #Political philosophy
Éthiopie : un si fragile vernis de paix
#Ethiopie, #Guerre
Éthiopie: un si fragile vernis de paix
#Ethiopie, #Guerre
Raynal, Smith and Bentham: Revisiting balance of power, global commerce and the quest of a new international order
#Enlightenment, #Political economy, #global commerce
After states, before humanity? The meta-politics of legality and the International Criminal Court in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine
#Enlightenment, #Political economy, #global commerce
Missed opportunities: the impact of internal compartmentalisation on EU diplomacy across the international regime complex on climate change
- Date: 2023-06-23 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Joseph Earsom, Tom Delreux
#Climate diplomacy, #European Union, #Compartmentalisation, #Regime complex
Imperial encounters : a research agenda to re-examine the relationship between international arbitration, value chains and the future’s commons
- Date: 2023-06-19 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#Climate diplomacy, #European Union, #Compartmentalisation, #Regime complex
#Climate diplomacy, #European Union, #Compartmentalisation, #Regime complex
Variations on Sovereignty: Introduction
#Climate diplomacy, #European Union, #Compartmentalisation, #Regime complex
Valeurs démocratiques dans un contexte de mécontentement politique
#Démocratie, #Satisfaction politique, #Compétence politique
EU Federalism in a Time of Polycrisis: Success rather than Failure
#Démocratie, #Satisfaction politique, #Compétence politique
Contrôle étatique et libertés publiques
#Libertés publiques, #Surveillance, #Opinion publique
Interventions on the concept of externalisation in migration and border studies
- Date: 2023-06 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Shoshana Fine, Sebastian Cobarrubias, Paolo Cuttitta, Maribel Casas-Cortés, Martin Lemberg-Pedersen, Nora El Qadim, Beste İşleyen, Caterina Giusa, Charles Heller
#Libertés publiques, #Surveillance, #Opinion publique
Facebook and the global dimensions of protest participation in France, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom
- Date: 2023-06 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Shelley Boulianne, Sangwon Lee
#protest Facebook political efficacy political interest political discussion cross-national, #protest, #Facebook, #political efficacy, #political interest, #political discussion, #cross-national
Symbolic Rewards as Migration Diplomacy: Crisis and Containment in EU–Turkey Migration Cooperation
#protest Facebook political efficacy political interest political discussion cross-national, #protest, #Facebook, #political efficacy, #political interest, #political discussion, #cross-national
Lawyering imperial encounters. Negotiating Africa’s relationship with the world economy. A case-study of the rush for rare earths in Burundi
- Date: 2023-05-31 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#protest Facebook political efficacy political interest political discussion cross-national, #protest, #Facebook, #political efficacy, #political interest, #political discussion, #cross-national
Introduction. Le temps des incertitudes duction
#Afrique, #Relations internationales
Une Opex à but privé : les diamants de Bokassa
#RCA, #Mensonge, #Raison d'Etat, #5ème République
L’affaire des financements libyens de la campagne de Nicolas Sarkozy
#Libye, #Sarkozy, #5ème république, #raison d'Etat
Great minds think alike? A new measure of MEPs–voters congruence following the 2019 European Parliament elections
#Libye, #Sarkozy, #5ème république, #raison d'Etat
Great minds think alike? A new measure of MEPs–voters congruence following the 2019 European Parliament elections
#Libye, #Sarkozy, #5ème république, #raison d'Etat
Great minds think alike? A new measure of MEPs–voters congruence following the 2019 European Parliament elections
#congruence, #European integration, #European Parliament, #political parties, #representation
#congruence, #European integration, #European Parliament, #political parties, #representation
‘Was the “Islamic State” a State?’Claiming, Contesting, and Creating Jihadist Statehood
#congruence, #European integration, #European Parliament, #political parties, #representation
Parallel Universe: EU Cross-forum Coherence on Climate in International Transport Fora
#European Union, #climate change, #transport decarbonisation, #policy coherence, #international climate governance
Horror Vacui: Da’esh and the Inter-Territory Effect
#European Union, #climate change, #transport decarbonisation, #policy coherence, #international climate governance
Variations on Sovereignty: Contestations and Transformations from around the World
#Sovereignty, #State, #International relations
The New Scramble for Africa: Questioning the Nexus Between Transnational Law and Capitalism
- Date: 2023-05-03 - Type : BLOG
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#Sovereignty, #State, #International relations
Ireland’s relationship with the European Union
#Ireland and the European Union, #European integration and consequences, #Ireland Republic of
The European Union as an Actor Navigating International Regime Complexes
- Date: 2023-04-26 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Joseph Earsom, Tom Delreux
#EU, #EU external action, #international organizations, #regime complexity
Who cares for younger generations? An analysis of young people’s parliamentary representation in France and Italy
- Date: 2023-04-25 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : Julien Navarro, Enrico Borghetto, Joao Cancela, Marco Lisi
#EU, #EU external action, #international organizations, #regime complexity
Egoism and Altruism in Intergroup Conflict
- Date: 2023-04-03 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Raul Magni-Berton, Simon Varaine, Ismaël Benslimane, Paolo Crosetto
#Parochial altruism, #Egoism, #Intergroup prisoner dilemma, #Intergroup conflict, #Terrorism, #Civil war
Le pouvoir erdoğanien face à l’échéance électorale de 2023
#Turquie, #vie politique, #élections, #Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, #autoritarisme
« Variables lourdes » et effets de voisinage. Retours sur une enquête à la sortie des urnes à Roubaix
- Date: 2023-04-01 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Marie Neihouser, François Briatte, Tristan Haute, Camille Kelbel, Thomas Soubiran, Nicolas Bué, Fabien Desage, Martin Baloge, Felix-Christopher von Nostitz, Giulia Sandri, Julien Talpin
#voting, #exit polls, #socioeconomic variables, #neighborhoodeffects, #vote, #sondages à la sortie des urnes, #variables lourdes, #effets de voisinage
Comment s’orienter dans le cosmopolitisme?
#voting, #exit polls, #socioeconomic variables, #neighborhoodeffects, #vote, #sondages à la sortie des urnes, #variables lourdes, #effets de voisinage
#Sport and politics, #Nationalism And State Building, #Ireland Republic of
Political drivers of Muslim youth radicalisation in France: religious radicalism as a response to nativism
#radicalisation ; secularism ; assimilation ; securitisation ; stigmatisation
Climate, defence and security. Equilibrium discourse(s) in the face of the « climate-environmental » emergency
#radicalisation ; secularism ; assimilation ; securitisation ; stigmatisation
Nagorno-Karabakh: slowly but surely, Baku is weaponising the green movement to cut off the region’s supplies
- Date: 2023-03-13 - Type : BLOG
- Auteurs :
#radicalisation ; secularism ; assimilation ; securitisation ; stigmatisation
Perspectives on Irish sport
#Sport and politics, #Nationalism And State Building, #Ireland Republic of
It’s not as simple as copy/paste: the EU’s remobilisation of the High Ambition Coalition in international climate governance
#Sport and politics, #Nationalism And State Building, #Ireland Republic of
Riding the Eurosceptic tiger vs taming it by technocracy: the UK and France as two ideal types of how to manage hard Euroscepticism
#EU disintegration Euroscepticism Brexit technocracy hard euroscepticism, #EU disintegration, #Euroscepticism, #Brexit, #technocracy, #hard euroscepticism
Perceived Exposure to Misinformation and Trust in Institutions in Four Countries Before and During a Pandemic
- Date: 2023-02-28 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Shelley Boulianne, Edda Humprecht
#social media media trust political trust cross-national political ideology, #social media, #media trust, #political trust, #cross-national, #political ideology
Transforming ceasefire lines into de facto borders through border security policies and wider securitization processes in the Caucasus
- Date: 2023-02-13 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs :
#social media media trust political trust cross-national political ideology, #social media, #media trust, #political trust, #cross-national, #political ideology
International Order as “a Battle of Narratives”: The Use of Geopolitical Policy Narratives in International (dis)Ordering
#geopolitics, #battle of narratives, #international order
Making a wor(l)d of difference? The National Front’s anti-pluralist stands and their evolution over time
#Populism, #Democracy, #Political parties, #Party manifestos, #Extreme-right parties, #France
Paix et sécurité.
- Date: 2023-02-01 - Type : OUV
- Auteurs : Sonia Le Gouriellec, Delphine Allès, Mélissa Levaillant
#Paix, #sécurité, #Décentrement, #Relations internationales
- Date: 2023-02-01 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : Andrew Glencross, Monika Brusenbauch Meislová
#brexit, #British politics, #Referendum, #Theresa May, #Boris johnson
La paix comme objet d’étude. Sanctions contre la Russie – Victoire de Lula États-Unis – Palestine – Chine
- Date: 2023-02-01 - Type : ISSUE
- Auteurs : Philippe Bonditti, Thomas Hippler, Laura Lema Silva
#brexit, #British politics, #Referendum, #Theresa May, #Boris johnson
Ubuntu : une approche inclusive de l’humanité
#Ubuntu, #afrique du sud, #décentrement, #paix
Intellectual property reform in the laboratory
- Date: 2023-02 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Raul Magni-Berton, Ismaël Benslimane, Paolo Crosetto, Simon Varaine
#Lobbying, #Elections, #Legislatures, #and Voting Behavior, #Innovation, #Technological Change, #and Growth/O.O3 - Innovation • Research and Development • Technological Change • Intellectual Property Rights/O.O3.O34 - Intellectual Property and Intellectual Capital, #Intellectual property, #Reform, #Experiment, #Patents, #Institutional reform, #Vote, #Laboratory experiment, #Innovation policy, #Real effort task, #Creativity
Conference diplomacy in the era of COVID: How do international environmental fora adapt to virtual formats?
- Date: 2023-01-19 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Joseph Earsom, Frauke Pipart
#multilateral negotiations, #environment, #COVID-19, #negotiation processes, #virtual negotiations, #online negotiations
Managing boundaries in protracted secessionist conflicts
- Date: 2023-01-13 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : , Gaelle Le Pavic
#multilateral negotiations, #environment, #COVID-19, #negotiation processes, #virtual negotiations, #online negotiations
Contested States at War: Towards an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda
#multilateral negotiations, #environment, #COVID-19, #negotiation processes, #virtual negotiations, #online negotiations
L’organisation en ligne des partis politiques européens
#Digital politics, #Numérique, #Political parties’ organization
Elections in a semi-presidential regime. Lessons for France
#Semi-présidentialisme, #Comportement électoral, #Qualité de la démocratie
Elections in a Semi-Presidential Regime. Lessons for France
#semipresidential regimes; electoral systems; elections; turnout
Nouvelles lectures de Jeremy Bentham
#Jeremy Bentham
Présentation. La paix comme objet d’étude
- Date: 2023-01-01 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Philippe Bonditti, Thomas Hippler, Laura Lema Silva
#Jeremy Bentham
One Big Conversation: The EU’s Climate Diplomacy across the International Regime Complex on the Paris Agreement Negotiations
#European Union, #climate diplomacy, #international climate politics, #regime complexity
Civic and political volunteering: the mobilizing role of websites and social media in four countries
- Date: 2023 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Shelley Boulianne, Kari Steen-Johnsen
#Volunteering, #digital media, #social media, #civic engagement, #survey
#Lobbying, #European Union
Approches extra-occidentales de la paix et de la sécurité : une anthologie commentée
#Lobbying, #European Union
Lawyering imperial encounters. Negotiating Africa’s relationship with the world economy
- Date: 2023 - Type : OUV
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#Lobbying, #European Union
- Date: 2023 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Philippe Bonditti, Thomas Hippler, Laura Lema Silva
#Lobbying, #European Union
Nationalism in internationalism
#Ireland Republic of, #European Union, #Nationalism
La paix comme objet d’étude
- Date: 2023 - Type : ISSUE
- Auteurs : Philippe Bonditti, Laura Lema Silva, Thomas Hippler
#Ireland Republic of, #European Union, #Nationalism
#Business corporations, #social justice, #conservatism of commerce, #neoliberalism, #Corporate social responsibility, #economic democracy
Practicing and performing sovereignty abroad: alternative diplomacy
- Date: 2023 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs :
#Business corporations, #social justice, #conservatism of commerce, #neoliberalism, #Corporate social responsibility, #economic democracy
Powerless in the digital age? A systematic review and meta-analysis of political efficacy and digital media use
- Date: 2023 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Shelley Boulianne, Jennifer Oser, Christian Hoffmann
#Business corporations, #social justice, #conservatism of commerce, #neoliberalism, #Corporate social responsibility, #economic democracy
Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia
#armed forces, #Eritrea, #somalia, #Djibouti
A Revolutionary Moment Founded on Forgetting: How Narratives of the UK’s Place in Europe and the World made Brexit Possible Andrew GLENCROSS How Narratives of the UK’s Place in Europe and the World made Brexit Possible
#Brexit, #Brexit Europe Union européenne Royaume-Uni, #Brexit referendum, #Eurosceptic narratives, #Anglosphere, #post-colonial melancholia
Die Agenda 2030 zur Halbzeit: Bilanz und nächste Schritte
#2030 Agenda, #development, #Sustainable Development Goals, #SDGs, #summits
A Litmus Test for Democratic Politics in Europe: Parliaments, Brexit and the Future of the European Union
#Brexit, #European Union, #democracy, #parliaments
Why Is France under Attack ?
#terrorisme, #État islamique, #valeurs, #interventionnisme militaire, #politique étrangère, #violence politique, #radicalisation, #France
L’extrême droite au sein des parlements européens : en France, l’embarras des formations politiques face aux députés RN
#terrorisme, #État islamique, #valeurs, #interventionnisme militaire, #politique étrangère, #violence politique, #radicalisation, #France
À la recherche des citoyens mobilisés en ligne lors des élections municipales de 2020
#terrorisme, #État islamique, #valeurs, #interventionnisme militaire, #politique étrangère, #violence politique, #radicalisation, #France
Expertise for the French Postcolonial State: Repositioning Archivists and Jurists in Reports to the Macron Government
- Date: 2022-11-17 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay, Ron Levi, Sophie Marois
#terrorisme, #État islamique, #valeurs, #interventionnisme militaire, #politique étrangère, #violence politique, #radicalisation, #France
Raynal, Smith and Bentham: narratives of peace in global commerce
#terrorisme, #État islamique, #valeurs, #interventionnisme militaire, #politique étrangère, #violence politique, #radicalisation, #France
#Référendum d'initiative citoyenne, #Citoyenneté, #Démocratie directe
Pourquoi l’Afrique est entrée dans l’histoire (sans nous) ?
#Afrique, #histoire, #géopolitique, #Relations internationales
(Re-)conceptualising the international: introduction to the special section
#Afrique, #histoire, #géopolitique, #Relations internationales
Incentives and Disincentives that Derailed my Research
#Afrique, #histoire, #géopolitique, #Relations internationales
Invisible Institutionalisms
- Date: 2022-10-20 - Type : OUV
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay, Swethaa Ballakrishnen
#Afrique, #histoire, #géopolitique, #Relations internationales
Climate-related security risks at the UN Security Council: France’s position
#Afrique, #histoire, #géopolitique, #Relations internationales
Four green fields and twelve gold stars
#Ireland and the European Union, #Ireland Republic of, #European integration, #Nationalism
Le vote par Internet, une solution pour faire face à l’abstentionen France ?
#Internet & politics, #online voting, #Internet & politics, #études électorales, #études électorales
The EU Constitution in a Time of Polycrisis: Success rather than Failure
#Internet & politics, #online voting, #Internet & politics, #études électorales, #études électorales
L’Union européenne dans un continent en guerre
- Date: 2022-09-13 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Thierry Chopin, Christian Lequesne
#Union européenne, #souveraineté européenne, #défense européenne, #guerre en Ukraine
Banking on MEPs? The Strategic and Partisan Motivations for the Parliamentary Scrutiny of the European Central Bank
- Date: 2022-09-08 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Julien Navarro, Camille Kelbel
#parliamentary questions, #accountability, #parliamentary scrutiny, #European Central Bank, #European Parliament, #parliamentary behaviour
Banking on MEPs? The Strategic and Partisan Motivations for the Parliamentary Scrutiny of the European Central Bank
- Date: 2022-09-08 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Julien Navarro, Camille Kelbel
#parliamentary questions, #accountability, #parliamentary scrutiny, #European Central Bank, #European Parliament, #parliamentary behaviour
Sinn Fein’s accommodation with Europe
#Ireland Republic of, #Nationalism, #Euroscepticism, #party politics
‘Learn to Jest in Good Time’. The Effect of the Electoral Calendar on Turnout in European Parliament elections
#European Parliament elections, #Electoral participation, #Compulsory vote, #Electoral Turnout
Holding the Unaccountable to Account? The Strategic and Partisan Motivations for the European Parliament’s Scrutiny of the ECB
- Date: 2022-09-05 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : Julien Navarro, Camille Kelbel
#European parliament, #European Central Bank ECB, #Parliamentary control, #Parliamentary questions, #Accountability
Separatists, state subjectivity, and fundamental ontological (in)security in international relations
#European parliament, #European Central Bank ECB, #Parliamentary control, #Parliamentary questions, #Accountability
UK’s bilateralism with EU27 in the post-Brexit era: stock-taking of emerging patterns and trends
- Date: 2022-08-31 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : Andrew Glencross, Monika Brusenbauch Meislová
#Brexit, #Bilateralism, #Multilateral Institutions, #Regime theory
Abkhazia: Experiences of Fieldwork
- Date: 2022-08-14 - Type : BLOG
- Auteurs :
#Brexit, #Bilateralism, #Multilateral Institutions, #Regime theory
La démocratie directe comme régime
- Date: 2022-08-11 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : , Raul Magni Berton
#Brexit, #Bilateralism, #Multilateral Institutions, #Regime theory
L’application des décisions référendaires
- Date: 2022-08-11 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : , Raul Magni Berton
#Brexit, #Bilateralism, #Multilateral Institutions, #Regime theory
Anti (sciences) sociales, tu perds ton sang-froid !
- Date: 2022-08 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Bourdieu Jérôme, Sara Dezalay, Julien Duval, Johan Heilbron, Franck Poupeau
#Brexit, #Bilateralism, #Multilateral Institutions, #Regime theory
Book Review: Transnational Law and State Transformation. The Case of Extractive Development in Mongolia
- Date: 2022-08 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#Brexit, #Bilateralism, #Multilateral Institutions, #Regime theory
Démocraties directes
- Date: 2022-07-20 - Type : OUV
- Auteurs : , Raul Magni Berton, Laurence Morel
#Direct democracy, #Referendum, #Démocratie directe, #Iniative populaire
Présidentielle 2022 à Roubaix
- Date: 2022-07-11 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : François Briatte, Marie Neihouser, Martin Baloge, Nicolas Bué, Fabien Desage, Mathilde Desjeunes, Eugène Gimenez Mailhes, Tristan Haute, Camille Kelbel, Felix-Christopher von Nostitz, Giulia Sandri, Thomas Soubiran, Julien Talpin
#France, #elections, #élections
Herausforderung Nachhaltigkeitstransformation: Mehr Politikwissenschaft wagen!
- Date: 2022-07-08 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : Sabine Weiland, Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, Jens Marquardt, Jörg Radtke, Sandra Schwindenhammer
#Governance, #Macht, #Nachhaltigkeit, #Normen, #Transformation
Conceptual History and Discourse: the case of the ‘equilibrium’
#Governance, #Macht, #Nachhaltigkeit, #Normen, #Transformation
#afrique, #relations internationales
Nécessités et difficultés du décentrement en relations internationales s du décentrement en relations internationales
#Décentrement, #Relations internationales
Collective memory, international criminal law, and the Françafrique postcolony
- Date: 2022-05-13 - Type : COMM
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay, Ron Levi
#Décentrement, #Relations internationales
A French perspective on research in European studies
#research, #European studies, #French higher education and research system
Climat, défense et sécurité : la pensée de l’équilibre face à l’urgence « climato-environnementale »
#research, #European studies, #French higher education and research system
Africa’s lawyers: from imperial agents to legal brokers on global markets
- Date: 2022-05-05 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay
#research, #European studies, #French higher education and research system
Know your enemy : Le conservatisme, territoire oublié de la philosophie politique
#justice sociale, #libertarisme, #conservatisme, #égalité
Les Balkans et l’Europe : convergence et diversité
#justice sociale, #libertarisme, #conservatisme, #égalité
Les citoyens actifs sur Internet sont-ils politiquement plus radicaux ?
#justice sociale, #libertarisme, #conservatisme, #égalité
Political information consumption and electoral turnout during COVID: the case of the 2020 municipal elections
#justice sociale, #libertarisme, #conservatisme, #égalité
Géopolitique de l’Afrique
#géopolitique, #afrique, #relations internationales
Politics in Italy 2022: The year of Mario Draghi
- Date: 2022-04-05 - Type : ISSUE
- Auteurs : , Giliberto Capano, Giulia Sandri
#Italian politics, #technocratic power, #Political leadership
The political leadership of Mario Draghi: an historical watershed or an inevitable bump in the road?
- Date: 2022-04-05 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Giliberto Capano, Giulia Sandri
#Italian politics, #Democracy, #Political leadership
Le Rassemblement national : un parti au programme toujours aussi radical
#Italian politics, #Democracy, #Political leadership
L’oeil de l’entreprise: égalité sociale, conservatisme et esthétique de l’inégalité
#Italian politics, #Democracy, #Political leadership
Differentiation and Power Asymmetry
- Date: 2022-04-01 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs : Andrew Glencross, Monika Brusenbauch Meislová
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
The EU to the rescEU? Assessing the geopolitics of the EU’s medical stockpile
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
Report addressed to the European Parliament and the Commission on policy recommendations and on Treaty changes and amendments to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Date: 2022-03-31 - Type : REPORT
- Auteurs : Julien Navarro, Petra Bard, Paul Blokker, Ben Crum, Carlos Closa, Pieter de Wilde, Laurent Pech, Jan Wouters
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
La Corne de l’Afrique, un champ de bataille à deux échelles
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
Quel État pour la Somalie ? �
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
Je t’aime, moi non plus ? Les Français et la mondialisation
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
Qui a peur des sciences sociales ?
- Date: 2022-03-01 - Type : ISSUE
- Auteurs : , Sara Dezalay, Jérôme Bourdieu, Franck Poupeau, Julien Duval, Johan Heilbron
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
Continuity and Change of Party Democracies in Europe, edited by S.Bukow and U.Jun (Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020, ISBN 9783658289874); x+366pp., €66.00 pb.
- Date: 2022-03 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Camille Kelbel
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
La crise russo-ukrainienne vue d’Ankara
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
Éthiopie : dynamiques de la guerre civile
#Brexit, #Czechia, #UK foreign policy, #SLovakia
France’s Economic and Defence Strategy
#defence, #security, #French foreign policy
Diversité des ancrages locaux des électeurs et vote. Le cas de la métropole lilloise
#Voting, #Local roots/Integration, #Voter mis-registration, #Voter non-registration, #accommodation, #Vote, #ancrage local, #non inscription, #mal inscription, #logement
Iconographies of European integrations
#Voting, #Local roots/Integration, #Voter mis-registration, #Voter non-registration, #accommodation, #Vote, #ancrage local, #non inscription, #mal inscription, #logement
Review: “Anna Matveeva, “Through Times of Trouble: Conflict in Southeastern Ukraine Explained from Within”
- Date: 2022 - Type : ART
- Auteurs :
#Voting, #Local roots/Integration, #Voter mis-registration, #Voter non-registration, #accommodation, #Vote, #ancrage local, #non inscription, #mal inscription, #logement
Abkhazia: Experiences of Fieldwork, from Professional to Personal
- Date: 2022 - Type : COUV
- Auteurs :
#Voting, #Local roots/Integration, #Voter mis-registration, #Voter non-registration, #accommodation, #Vote, #ancrage local, #non inscription, #mal inscription, #logement
Living Apart but Together. Members, Sympathizers, and the Italian Democratic Party
- Date: 2021-12-30 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : Antonella Seddone, Fulvio Venturino, Giulia Sandri
#Political parties, #democracy, #Political participation
Gouverner les frontières comme politique de vie ?
- Date: 2021-12-06 - Type : UNDEFINED
- Auteurs : Shoshana Fine, Elisa Benker, Céline Cantat, Virginie Guiraudon, François Gemenne, Thibaut Jaulin, Antoine Pécoud, Catherine Perron, Michelle Reddy, Filip Savatic, Hélène Thiollet, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
#Covid-19, #frontières, #Union européenne, #circulation
Un euroscepticisme à la française. Entre défiance et ambivalence, le nécessaire « retour de l’Europe en France »
- Date: 2021-12-01 - Type : REPORT
- Auteurs : , Bruno Cautrès, Thierry Chopin, Emmanuel Rivière
#Covid-19, #frontières, #Union européenne, #circulation
#Covid-19, #frontières, #Union européenne, #circulation
Re-enacting the international order, or: why the Syrian state did not disappear
#Covid-19, #frontières, #Union européenne, #circulation
Re-enacting the international order, or: why the Syrian state did not disappear
#Statehood, #Sovereignty, #Syria, #Islamic State, #International Order, #State Collapse
Party expats? Mapping transnational party branches of French, German and UK parties
- Date: 2021-12 - Type : ART
- Auteurs : , Felix-Christopher von Nostitz