
Forum: Dead-Ends, Disasters, Delays? Reflecting on Research Failure in International Studies and Ways to Avoid It

  • Date: 2024-08-21 - Type : ART
  • Authors:Andrew Glencross, Gustav Meibauer, Neil Renic, Johanna Rodehau-Noack, Christian Nikolaus Braun, Amber Davis, Milla Vaha, Vuslat Nur Şahin Temel, Liane Hartnett, Christine Andrä, Karen Smith

The Continental Social Investment Turn: Sequencing Corrective and Transformative Welfare State Change in the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy

  • Date: 2024-07-26 - Type : ART
  • Authors:Johannes Karremans, Donato Di Carlo, Anton Hemerijck

Do (too many) elections depress participation? How the position, frequency and nature of domestic ballots affect turnout in European Parliament elections

Analyses et comptes rendus

  • Date: 2024-04-30 - Type : ART
  • Authors:Benjamin Bourcier, Alexis Pinchard, Patrick Cerutti, Dominique Foyer, Marc de Launay, Sophie Grapotte, Marion Marchal, Henri Dilberman, Nicole Pellegrin, Emmanuel Chaput, Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Blaise Benoit, Isabelle de Mecquenem, Éric Blondel, Michel Kail, Alain Panero

Essential Work, Migrant Labour: What Explains Migrant Employment in European Key Sectors?

  • Date: 2024-04-05 - Type : UNDEFINED
  • Authors:Jérôme Gonnot, Nikolaj Broberg, Friedrich Poeschel, Martin Ruhs

Visa Policy and International Student Migration: Evidence from Canada

  • Date: 2024-03-25 - Type : UNDEFINED
  • Authors:Jérôme Gonnot, Mauro Lanati