Benjamin Neimark is a Senior Lecturer at the Lancaster Environment Centre; Lancaster University, UK, and an Associate Researcher at ESPOL.
He is a human geographer and political ecologist (defined as the intersections of ecology and a broadly defined political economy) whose research focuses on politics of biological conservation and resource extraction (bio-/green economy), high-value commodity chains, smallholder production, agrarian change and development. Although he has a geographic focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, his research also focuses on the US military as a global climate actor.
Ben teaches on a wide array of subjects from global food politics, sustainable development, to human geography theory. He leads a field course in Paris on ‘globalizing food,’ and a seminal course on geographies of environment and development. Ben is also provides instrumental training on applied research methods at the Master’s and PhD level.
Ben has a PhD form Rutgers University and a Master’s from Cornell University (USA). He is an Associate Director for Engagement at the Pentland Centre for Sustainable Business and formally a fellow at the Institute of Social Futures (ISF), Lancaster University. He is part of the Political Ecology Research Group and leads the Secretariat for the International Political Ecology Network (POLLEN).