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Antoine Ancelet-Schwartz

antoine ancelet schwartz

Teacher & Researcher Assistant, Doctoral Student

Research areas

  • Citizenship, Commitment, Local democracy
  • Institutional and civic democratic practices
  • Since September 2024, I have been a PhD student in political science and urban planning at ESPOL and IUGA, hosted on a CIFRE basis by the City of Grenoble, studying the causes of non-use of local democracy.

    In order to provide new insights into the representations and practices of local democracy, I am interested in the issue of non-use of political rights in a local democratic system as diverse as that of Grenoble.

    As senior local government attaché, I previously worked for twenty years as a project manager, then director, then director general of services, in various local authorities in the Lyon and Grenoble area: Grand Lyon, Région Rhône-Alpes, Grésivaudan, Barraux, Le Touvet.