The project aims to support interdisciplinary research into how technology related to migration and border control can reproduce patterns of inclusion and exclusion. It encourages the formation of an interdisciplinary network and the development of a common vocabulary for making data a public concern. The DATAMIG project aims to promote a more humane approach to migration data management by tackling two main areas:
Coordinating research
Encourage collaboration between researchers to develop a more detailed understanding of the socio-technical issues involved in migration datafication.
Creating a digital platform to disseminate research findings and encourage dialogue between the various players involved.
Develop tools and methods for studying datafication in an ethical and reflective manner.
Establish an interdisciplinary research network including researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.
Building capacity
Organise training for researchers in new datafication research methodologies.
Support the participation of researchers in international events.
Facilitate collaboration and the exchange of knowledge between researchers in the DATAMIG network.