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Master's in Multilevel Governance in Europe

Illustration de Master's in Multilevel Governance in Europe

Discover the challenges and opportunities associated with governance in a multi-level environment.

Durée de référence : 2 years - 4 semesters

Crédits ECTS : 180

Our interdisciplinary Master’s in Multilevel Governance in Europe is a training programme of excellence focused on the challenges and opportunities of governing in a multilevel framework. In the 21st century, governance no longer takes place solely through national governments, but increasingly with, within and above states. The European Union is at the forefront of this development. By exploring the multi-level interaction between public actors (Member States, EU institutions, etc.) and private actors (companies, networks, NGOs, etc.) in Europe, this programme enables students to gain an in-depth understanding of the opportunities and constraints of multi-level governance in policy-making. This degree is designed for future professionals in European and world politics.


Europe at the heart of multi-level governance issues

Multilevel governance involves a tension between solving supranational problems and maintaining broad levels of support among diverse national populations. Europe is a good example of how multi-level governance is shaped by recurring multi-level interactions between supranational and national institutions, often also involving private players (companies, networks, NGOs, etc.). Thanks to these interactions, the rules of the game in European and global politics are constantly being redefined.

Developing the skills needed to engage with European policies

The programme provides students with an in-depth understanding of how multi-level governance is shaped, with the European Union as an object of study from which broader lessons for governance in the 21st century can be drawn. Students will acquire the necessary skills and conceptual tools to understand, analyse and act on public policy issues in the European context at several levels. This study programme will enable students to acquire the skills needed to steer policies in the complex institutional and political environment of the European multi-level framework, at local, national and international levels.

Our students from the master’s and their professor, head of the programme, give their insight.

Job opportunities

This master’s degree offers a wide range of career opportunities:

  • The European institutions: the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission are natural destinations for this course.
  • National public authorities: ministries, major cities, regions, as well as state bodies (Centre d’analyse stratégique, Caisse des dépôts, etc.), recruit public policy experts, who also have sectoral knowledge and European skills.
  • NGOs, think tanks, foundations, trade unions, interest groups and lobbies look for specialists at the intersection of expert knowledge and practical skills who can influence public decision-makers.
  • Companies are increasingly employing people with expertise in European affairs to analyse and influence policy.
  • Pursuing an academic career by enrolling for a doctorate.

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