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International partnerships

ESPOL and its international outlook

The European School of Political and Social Sciences, was established to prepare students for political and international careers through innovative pedagogy in a multicultural environment. Since its launch, ESPOL continues to thrive thanks to its bilingual (French/English) and interdisciplinary programme, which now consists of three undergraduate bachelor’s degrees, four master’s degrees, and a doctoral school.

ESPOL has always been open to the world and to Europe in particular. This is reflected in our team, which represents 12 different nationalities, in the fact that 86% of our students go abroad to study at one of our 150 partner universities and that, in return, we welcome more than 150 exchange students every year, a figure that is constantly increasing.

The Hauts-de-France is a dynamic region with a strong will to develop relationships with other countries. With excellent communications and an extensive network of businesses and industries, the area has proven its strategic position in Europe throughout the centuries. So too has Lille, its capital.

How to develop a partnership

We are constantly on the lookout for new international partnerships to strengthen our global network and offer enriching opportunities to our students and researchers. Collaborating with renowned academic institutions around the world enables us to promote knowledge exchange, cultural diversity and educational innovation. If you are interested in collaborating with our institution, we would be delighted to discuss partnership opportunities and to build ambitious and fruitful academic projects together.

To contact us: espol-incoming@univ-catholille.fr

Fact Sheet

For practical information on how we work, important dates and deadlines for our study semesters and more, download our Fact Sheet.

Erasmus+: Our engagements

The EESPIG area of the Université Catholique de Lille has obtained an Erasmus Charter allowing us to participate in the Erasmus+ programme.

By promoting mobility and cooperation projects in Europe, the Erasmus+ programme makes it possible to strengthen the skills of all to provide greater employability, and to support innovation within education and training establishments and organisations, as well as their internationalisation, promoting transparent and consistent European-wide skills recognition and validation tools, and promoting cooperation between European and non-European countries. Sources: Agence Erasmus+ France – Education Formation.

Download the Erasmus+ Student Charter

The strengths of Université Catholique de Lille lie in its commitment to respond to societal challenges and its desire to gradually develop a “better life together” on campus so that each student finds their place while respecting others and their environment. The commitment was made to ensure the continuity of the good practices of the previous charter, but also to take new measures on our campus to strengthen the application of the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and inclusion of students and staff with the new Erasmus+ charter. 

It is with this perspective that the UCL is committed to the integration, support and welcoming of all:

  • To contribute at all levels and in all places to both parity and diversity. By offering transparent systems to promote success throughout the course. We guarantee fairness through transparent selection procedures based on academic results and/or on the artistic record, an interview and a language test. A dedicated person in each establishment is responsible for preparing for administrative and educational formalities and for guidance on safety rules. Specific support is provided according to needs (personal, financial, etc.). For internships, the Career Centre of the Faculties and the internship service provide internship offers and give advice on CVs and cover letters. Both the terms of the grant and the terms of the internship are presented to the students, and the information is posted on the AGORA intranet. A dedicated contact person can be consulted for advice or specific requests.
  • Guarantee international access for all. The “International At Home” programme was created to enable all students and administrative and teaching staff to benefit from internationalisation at home through events organised by various institutions and student associations (International Week, Erasmus Days, Europe Day, back-to-school forum, etc.). Our students are encouraged to be mobile (studies or internships) throughout their course and supported in their choice of mobility through departure preparation sessions, educational follow-up and meetings with our internationals. Student mobility is strongly encouraged, even compulsory for certain courses. It is facilitated by the granting of Erasmus+ grants, regional grants (Mermoz) as well as study grants offered internally within each establishment in order to promote mobility access for all.
  • To promote the inclusion of international students

The integration of students arriving in the different establishments has been strengthened from a social, administrative and educational point of view.

  • To provide financial support. The ICL works to promote equal opportunities and accessibility to studies and mobility to the most disadvantaged, which is why it is essential to offer scholarships and financial aid for any student encountering difficulties in daily life (food, housing, health, transport) as well as adjusting contributions according to family income.
  • Welcoming students with disabilities. The ICL pays particular attention to welcoming and assisting people and students with disabilities or who require specific support, including accessibility, accompaniment, resources provided to take the courses (Braille printer), measures taken for exams (1/3 more time), adjustment of exams, the presence of an MAH contact (Mission Accueil Handicap) and a doctor on campus, etc.
  • Erasmus Specific Allowance + People with Disabilities (outgoing students). The democratisation of the Erasmus+ programme is one of the objectives of the programme for the 2014-2020 period. Erasmus+ aims to promote equity and inclusion. Hence, the European Commission and the countries participating in the programmes sought to support the mobility of people with disabilities, of whatever type (mental, physical, sensory or other). The Erasmus+ programme provides specific funding to cover the costs generated by mobility abroad for participants in the programme with disabilities. A specific file including medical certificates and quotes must be created.

Campus France

Campus France is a government agency under the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. In cooperation with higher education institutions, Campus France applies its expertise to increase France’s appeal.

Alongside Campus France, our mission is:

  • Facilitate international student mobility. This involves creating and supporting pathways for students from around the world to study in France. It includes simplifying administrative processes, providing resources, and removing barriers that might prevent international students from studying abroad.
  • Promote French higher education. This focuses on highlighting the strengths and advantages of French higher education institutions and the unique opportunities they offer to international students.
  • Welcome international students. Ensuring that international students feel welcomed and supported throughout their stay in France. This involves providing comprehensive services that address their academic, social, and personal needs.

Label Bienvenue en France

ESPOL is proud to announce that it has been awarded the “Bienvenue en France” label with 2 stars. This distinction, awarded by Campus France, recognises ESPOL’s efforts and commitment to offering a quality welcome to international students. With this label, ESPOL demonstrates its dedication to encouraging international mobility, promoting French higher education and guaranteeing the successful integration of its students from all over the world.

Our welcome and support services

The faculties of the Catholic University of Lille have set up a number of personalised welcome and support services to help international students settle in as soon as they arrive:

  • Each semester, a personalised welcome is organised by the International Relations department of each institution in the form of welcome days and a general Welcome session.
  • Access to academic and practical information via our various platforms, giving French and international students access to all the administrative and academic information they need.
  • Flexible and themed FLE courses
  • Organisation of integration and enhancement events and activities throughout the year (Erasmus days, Fête de l’Europe, etc.).