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On internship

The benefits of doing an internship during your studies

Benefits of International Internships

International internships are much more than just a formality in the academic career of an ESPOL student. They represent a unique opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom in a wide variety of real-life contexts. These experiences enable students to:

  1. Develop practical skills: By working in a variety of professional environments, students acquire essential practical and intercultural skills. They learn to adapt to different professional cultures, to communicate effectively in an international environment and to solve complex problems creatively.
  2. Expand their professional network: Internships abroad offer the opportunity to forge links with professionals from all over the world. This international network can prove invaluable to students’ future careers, opening doors to a wide range of professional opportunities.
  3. Stand out in the job market: In an increasingly competitive job market, having international experience is a considerable asset. Employers value candidates who have demonstrated their ability to adapt to new environments and who are open to new ideas.

Benefits for students and recent graduates

  • develop entrepreneurial and creative skills that will be highly valued by future employers
  • improve your foreign language skills, as well as your interpersonal and intercultural teamwork skills
  • gain a better understanding of another country and another culture

Benefits for companies

  • benefit from a fresh international perspective, innovative ideas and active support
  • benefit from new impetus, increased competitiveness and innovation
  • enter new markets and develop business through greater knowledge of other cultures
  • strengthen the company’s skills: interns learn from employees, but employees can also learn from an international intern who speaks another language and has up-to-date IT skills.

Companies can publish their internship offers on the Erasmus Intern Traineeship portal.

What you need to know to prepare for doing an internship


Interns abroad can benefit from Erasmus+ support for 2 to 12 months.

Students and recent graduates can also take part in a mixed mobility scheme: combining a short physical stay abroad (between 5 and 30 days) with a virtual period.

They can also combine their Erasmus+ placement with a period of study abroad.


Erasmus+ placements are open to students enrolled in a higher education institution that holds an Erasmus+ higher education charter.

The work placement must relate to the degree and personal development needs and, if possible, be integrated into the study programme.

It can take place in any organisation, anywhere in the world (with the exception of EU institutions, bodies and agencies).

Financial assistance

Erasmus+ grant amounts are published in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

How to apply

You can apply through the international office or Erasmus+ office of your higher education institution.

Doing an internship with an ERASMUS+ grant

Erasmus+ encourages students enrolled in short degree courses, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral programmes in higher education institutions in countries participating in the programme to undertake internships (company placements, training courses, etc.) abroad. There are also opportunities for young graduates.

By doing an internship abroad, you can considerably improve your knowledge, as well as the skills and competencies that employers are looking for. One in ten Erasmus+ trainees start their own business!

The Erasmus Intern Traineeship portal, created by the Erasmus student network, can help you find work placement opportunities.

You can start learning the language of your workplace with Erasmus+ online language support.