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To meet health needs, the Université Catholique de Lille has the Centre Polyvalent de Santé Universitaire (CPSU) and the Lille metropolitan area has the Maison Médicale de Garde (MMG).

Care services at the CPSU

  • GP consultations, gynaecology, nursing care, psychological support, etc.
  • Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8am to 7pm, Friday 9am to 6pm – Closed during university holidays
  • Access: 47 bis rue du Port, reserved for UCL students
  • Appointments on the Doctolib platform

Care services at the MMG

  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 20:00 to 00:00 – Weekends and public holidays, 8:00 to 00:00
  • Located on rue Desais, access is via the emergency department of Hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul.
  • Make an appointment on 03 20 87 74 33