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Career development

Investing in our students’ professional future with our workshops, events and personalised support

Preparing our students to succeed in the world of work

Helping our students to succeed in their careers is one of our core concerns. That is why we offer a wide range of workshops and events designed to help you develop your skills and prepare for working life.

Careers workshops:

  • Write a relevant CV and cover letter:  Learn the techniques for creating professional documents that will make you stand out to recruiters.
  • Prepare for job interviews : Develop your confidence and interview skills to land the job you want.
  • Develop your communication and presentation skills : Learn how to communicate effectively and engage your audience, whether at a job interview or giving a presentation to a client.
  • Strengthen your professional network : Learn how to make contacts and develop your professional network to open up new opportunities.

Workshops and events:

  • Alumni Talks: Meet successful alumni and learn from their experiences.
  • Job search workshops: Get advice and tips on how to find your ideal job.
  • Networking events: Meet professionals in your field and develop your network.
  • Career fair – Goal Master : Talk to professionals, former students and course leaders to refine your career plans and find the path that suits you best.

Personalised support:

In addition to our workshops and events, we also offer personalised support to our students. Our careers advisors are there to help them define their professional goals, draw up a career plan and find internship and job opportunities…

Partner with us and contribute to the success of our students

ESPOL is looking for partner companies and organisations to work with us in the training and professional integration of its students.

As a partner, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Run professional workshops: Share your expertise and knowledge with our students at workshops on topics such as CV and cover letter writing, preparing for job interviews, developing communication skills, etc.
  • Share your knowledge: Contribute to the enrichment of educational programmes by presenting on courses, conferences or seminars.
  • Hosting work experience placements: Give our students the opportunity to put what they have learnt into practice and discover the professional world within your company.

By becoming our partner, you will contribute to:

  • Preparing our students to succeed in the world of work by providing them with valuable skills and knowledge.
  • Helping our students enter the world of work by enabling them to make contacts with professionals and discover internship and job opportunities.
  • Strengthening the links between your company and our establishment by creating a mutually beneficial collaborative relationship.

If you are a dynamic company or organisation committed to training young people, we invite you to contact us to find out more about partnership opportunities: career-espol@univ-catholille.fr