Entrer en politique par la bande médiatique ? Construction et circulation des cadrages médiatiques du Bloc Identitaire et de Casapound Italia

Irrelevant in the ballots, the Bloc Identitaire (BI) and CasaPound Italia (CPI) invest much effort in gaining media access. For them, media visibility is crucial to ensure survival and build political legitimacy. But is all publicity good publicity? Do they adapt to media logics to craft visibility? To examine the complex interplay between media coverage and success of far right organizations, we use a mixed-methods approach to compare similar political organizations active in different media systems since 2003. A political claim analysis based on the content of six national and local newspapers (Le Monde, Le Figaro, Le Parisien, La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera and Il Messaggero) maps the visibility of BI and CPI and of the issues that they politicize. An in-depth qualitative analysis of the content of all articles illustrates how information about the groups diffuses in the media field as well as the tone of the coverage. Participant observation was used to explore how leaders and activists professionalize offline and online communication to target journalists.